Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)

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Premier Briand Defeated By MARTHA WILLIAMS rt: Hi: BRIANfO JOSEPH CAIt'LAUX ring ring Bn 1 Id i ii That School in the I nr ft Draws adds I Buyers! 3 or anti POWE LIGHT NOTICE! iS You will find it in the columns of REGISTRARS fun V3 2 SERyics ASSOCIATED PRESS THE the con and Imly pi Ca tii'igTPS John Pcsek "Nebraska Tiger" WillJj Meet Nick Volkofi Bulgarian Champion At Jefferson Theatre Dd'gj Ar Jefferson City 10:15 a Ar Eldon 5:15 ri The way of truth is like a great road It is not difficult to know The evil is only that man will not seek it Do you go home and search for Mencius I Slllllett in "I lurry 8 all that trouble Then marched Into the The tax issue fatal to a lonq series of rench Governments caused the defeat of Briand in (he Chamber of Deputies and brought Joseph Caillcaux to the fore as his probable suc cessor irst Ward JOHN SOMMERS GEORGE MARTIN Second Ward TOM ANTROBUS McCLUNG my muther bettor than her own Mrs Baker later accepted tto of fered bargain tacitly and raging deep down Love constrained her No love (if the good hiking elderly gen tleman who had seemed a "You moan berame a cipher In my own was the answer Noll got white for Inrath then laughed softly "Joke Is on she said "Happens the house is urine With His Sabine Efride PHYSICAL SWEAT MASSAGES PHYSICAL CULTURE SCHOOL Prof Peter James 202 Trust Blds Phone 1460 Preserve Your Health Increase or Decrease Weight 3 I creel) Mathis is rcspoohihle for ex Sonin two weeks decisive victory ov Zhyszkn in a Si I mi i t'liintj here straight intent on giving Ihr best exhibition lown hio all ELDON BUS LINE Daily and Sunday Lv Eldon 9 a Lv Jefferson City 4 Makes All the Hotels workout before aurin STEWART TAXI Eldon Mo in held Myrtle Stedman Jack Mulhall Hobart Passed and Approved March 1926 THOMAS Mayor and President of Counccil Attest March 8 1926 (Seal) A NALL Deputy City Clerk PAVITT Anything rom Show Cards To ine Art Pictures Phone 222 High SI Third ard JOS 'H DULLE WALLAU ourth Ward HUGO BUSCH SR KENNETH NICHOLS ifth Ward ELIX SENEVEY HUGH STEPHENS £11 8l' Cll Marina Ta lliy Kiii iu' I'ltiurk vi yrar obi liigh whoi'l i ih ni ulios full bariliui voii i hr i highly by crith's ih nsHH'il' hilii vi' litr elltilicc Io win anil furl tint Thai is why Post advertising is the powerful in fluence that controls the buying habits of thousands of shoppers in the Jefferson City trade territory Adver tising both buyer and seller in 3 Know what your public utilities has to offer before you invest Phone an American molb din has European iz' and a European I Ear Cry" wltii 't wild have brought the Miller luilav and i olorathil to the i June i bi veliellt Qualified I want to see the boss OHice Sorry but hes In ferenee with the vice president general manager Let me In I know ay stury too greed risked and lost her toiniYrt Rising thirty slugu dominant used to work hud seemed tn death The daughter of ii drawback' but one could put aside An untrained girl with sweethearts plenrv could K' be easily sent away from tl home tgj ncit thru (she bad assured herself mi this point) there would be money fei i enough for living ns she chof The big handsome old house set fair amid its fields orchards untouched wood faH lands and clear running pleased her so well she was eager to base her own friends coiup see and Ki enjoy It with her bin dy after she had made herself supreme 1 here lay unacknowledged the seed nf hostility to her daughter But before It had grown rank came something stronger discovery that Nell was her rival for the only man she felt she could truly love Ii had come like a lightning taking her breath almost her reason after the first encounter Pleading illbn ss she hud lain alone all night starTirg wide eyed out Into thd starlit darlaiess all her consciousness a thinuug memory of John Harrison To Mr? Baker herself he had boon most cnurtemis yer so cuiisnl she doubled If he had given her a second thought There lay the sting of it She knew she had made no appeal to him Her utmost hope Somehow come llrtwrell him and that atrocious Ellen Be this newspaper Read the local news and the dispatches of lh BETHANY HAS SINGER i THINKS WII BECOME STAR Besik weighing 1 91 2I5 Both men are 1 io won alipjl Siiiiihiiis nnl will State of Missouri County of Cole ss In the City of Jefferson County of Cole State of Missouri on the Sth day of March 1926 tthe following' among' other pro ceedings were held viz: In the City of Jefferson Con nt of Cole State of Missouri on the 8th day of March 1926 the following among other plo sion met the following proceedings were had tto wit: Itt is ordered by the City Council that Registration of Voters be held in the City of Jefferron March 22 23 and 24th 1926 from 8 in the foienoon until 9 o'clock in the after noon in all of the voting precincts in the City of Jelferson to wit irst Ward irst Precinct airview Hotel A irst Ward Second Precinct William Jones Bakery 620 East High Second Ward irst Precinct County Courthouse Second Ward Second Precinct City Hall Third Ward irst Precinct Moer schel Building 411 West Main Third Ward Second Precinct Meyer Budding 622 West Main ourth Ward irst Precinct Martin Washington Park ourth Ward Second Precinct Renn Motor Co 113 East Dunklin ifth Ward irst Precinct Trippen see Shop 603 Madison ifth Ward Second Precinct Louis Rnildiro nnn viuin VV11UV 8 Ot I ighlba VnlkoffH 'v11 THE DAILY POST I i HPRRIlbWIT I I I i ki I II lull I sail rightfully advertised merchandise is safe merchandise Only the liest can stand the light of publicity and the examina tion it invites Nebraska "Tu? anil Nie Volkol'f Bulgarian ehamj': di al th tile Jefferson TheaKr Ei'blay nigh Comeily Ilict Aniei'ieaii ways thi'inigh (ho love of he joy Io the program an Ameiiean arllst The Bot wort The supper I Big By art 1st ically sal isfactrry A feature of lih film is a gay banquet iic idling in a sp iae A 11 i ill Advertising lowers costs by creat wlirI1 tmd in rvcid 1 I Hkbo1 mJ 1f itiHjrr ing volume distribution Patronize nbI(! Pt advertising merchants and1 keep ln ly bmiiNmim Bl prices down I ur ful luxury llor stance fur shtnbw So the hng night thnmgh she wrestled mightily with the uncanny feeling nnd came out vlcfnr at morning something wan und hollow eyed also tu write Invit ing Hugh Lenox the most lrv nf tn htiin in Lmr I 11 1 ivhu jfclli new home fur a long visit He canto saw and envotod the land and its Inheritrix whoso baby I stare mid Infantine smiles made her aitpenr uncommonly covetnblc Mrs Baker mndo feint of disapproving I which Nell knew instantly for the gesture It was "Sit tight Man she admonished Harrison I of will get you it you watch i if you watch Man Johnny smiled "My strength is I as the Mrengtli of ten when I know doing that" I "Over confidence is dangerous" Neil said oracularly medi cine to make inls blef" "Bow what and where?" asked Mun Johnny a quarrel right here betwixt us two" said Nell Iliirrlsmi whistled softly swung Nell up to itis shoulder saying: "Wiiat shame to have wasted astounded group there and saying: "Behold me a Noble Roman with his Sabine "THE AR CRY" SHOW ular confligratimi The colorful AT THE MILLER THEATER imiglitmn by being scruvned in natural eulors Blanche Sweet srnre a pm'smml This is dime by Ihu 3 erhnirnlur triumph in her latest irst Natifma! pruce a new mvlhtul which seems picture be shown at tomorrow As in the of "The ir (Cupyrlf hl) JI XL danced duwn the garden walk chanting raucously: 1 Come or hmmln' on yer one foot jBIlly Enimcr T'Ou! Bllly Enmiur Luu! Billy Etnmer Luu! foot two foot bare foot nhoe foot Shlnt flown do grapevine Bllly 1 Emmer Lou! I Vinegar was In lier step mothers voice "Wherever did you learn such I sung It to me when I knee high to a Nell returned Innocent ly "It strikes me ns very underbred yet I heard before turning here that you Bakers ranked yourselves stopmamma answered cold ly "Songs of that sort would be very offensive to some of your most worth while "Cnh huhn! With Some of Glad I ain't that Nell Hung back Iter eyes blazing Mrs Baker grew scarlet grammar would make many people glad not to be your she returned blill more Icily Nell shrugged "I ain't It The sort that say nnd und 1 Mrs Baker rose furious "If I If 1 had had heard ynur iinpertinence I should never have been In this horrible she gasped Why Nell cried pretending to sob then slid dcidy in a dear level vulce "Since I was since ynu are in my I a little choke there "I offer you a fair bargain ot mo I try to humiliate me Ynu rbmdiness and make me over no more than I can make yuu Shuw me but most of all inter fore with me my likings nor drspis CLOUDY AND WARMEH TONIGHT WEDNESDAY RAIN TORECAST orecast for Missoihi Inoroadng This is especially true when the claims tire backed by Tile offer of a cash re ward for proof of willful misrepresentation flV 1 1 lh I BKfiR a II I 1 lit Jir itm ft ti it fit i i i rfr JT I 1 rrt J1 "I 1 rt rxi! r( ri :3 8 i 'S U' I fiitii'i 0IU13 a WA I li'" 1 hvG 1 'v Jr I A 1 I Ii'lntru H' tiihti 't I I II rs J'i A jg 1 ft fA i £5 q' i B''" il 1 1 IW Si 1 VS ram zCk fei 1 ll'ilri I 1 i' A ff lx Si WiAKXT is VRL vrx i 3 if 'S' 1 1 1 Stell iLir I i I 'f 1 KJ iJTxJ iwV te! ZA Ii I i jk a 2 A I A I A A i 1 JX 1 1 a SERVICE 8.

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Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.