Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)

Jefferson City, Thursday Afternoon, September 29, Dial 636-3131 Get More Results for Your Advertisin Use Want Ads Dial 636-3131 LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cats, Othipr Pete 47 A.K.C. Registered Shetland Sheep Dog Puppies (miniature collies); also Miniature Poodles, 636-4070. POODLE GROOMING Poodle Puppies For Sale Delia Rowden Dial 636-6022 USED CORN PICKER COMBINES MID-WEST IMPLEMENT 420 Brooks POODLE STUD SERVICE Call 635-1353 or 635-2114. Horses, Cattle, Other Stock 48 ARABIANS, Zarikh, No.

11998, outstanding Stallion; half Arabian Mare; 6-hali Arabian Geldings. Registered Shetland Stallion, blue ribbon winning cart pony. Other mares, colts ponies. SEE OCTOBER 2 After 2 P.M. Pick out the one i and make an offer.

4-MILES SOUTH OF JEFFERSON CITY ON HIGHWAY 54 Follow white fence on your left JOHN ADCOCK MERCHANDISE Farm Equipment 55-A MAES INFLATION Ultra-Sand Milk Tubing Tom Graessle 2-395-4324. Dial 636-4915 424 E. STATE St. 5 room unfurnished apartment. Strictly private.

Dial 636-4005. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizer 56 DRY OAK FIREPLACE Si STOVE WOOD DIAL 635-4651 Good Thinrs to Eat 57 WHOLE LUNCH MEAT Ib. 39c FRANKS WEINERS Ib. 49c ALL MEAT BOLOGNA Ib. 49c SMOKED JOWL BACON 2 Pounds 89c Jonathan Apples, Sorghum Country Hams OPEN 6 A.M.

to 11 P.M. DUTCH MILL MARKET Household Goods Real Estate FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 Real Estate FOR SALE Houses for Sale 84 5 ROOM 1st floor unfurnished garbage service water furnished. 115 Bolivar. $50. Dial 636-7800.

Farms for Rent 76 FOR RENT 20 ACRES wheat ground, near city limits. Old Hwy. 50 East. Dial 636-6934 Houses for Rent AVAILABLE--3 Bedroom Home. Marshall at McCarty.

See Harold Remley, Dial 6363833, after 5:30 p.m. 636-8040. 59 3 BEDROOM house Moreau Heights School District. S135. 635-7646.

6 ROOM MODERN "HOME $70 Phone 2-395-4406 A A SPLENDORED THING is this Gleaming White Brick with it's gracious high ceilinged porch inviting you to the tiled entry hall--formal living room dining room- gay family kitchen electrically complete. The bedrooms bath are well sized, well planned, and tastefully The eye catcher is the beamed ceilinged panelled fire- placed Family Room stepping out to redwood enclosed patio. Just listed under $30,000. --it's a real joy to show. BIG--well built well cared for 4-room cottage near school church East.

$11,500. IF 'TIS Beverly Drive you've SPOTTED Poland Boars Ready for Service. Lawrence Luecke, Westphalia, GL 5-2534. CARPETS a fright? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer SI.

Coast to Coast Store, in Gerbes Family Shopping Center. Dial 635-7193. MERCHANDISE Merchandise for Sale 51 BACK YARD SALE 803 W. Main. 8 to 5.

October 1st. Clothing, Dishes Miscellaneous DON'T merely brighten your carpets. Blue Lustre them eliminate rapid reselling. Rent electric shampooer SI. Westlake Ace Hardware.

BACK YARD SALE--Clothing miscellaneous. 522 Rear W. McCarty. Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 to 4:30.

BASEMENT SALE Clothing furniture miscellaneous. October 1. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1560 Sunset Lake Rd. BASEMENT SALE FRI.

8 A.M. to 3 P.M. 99 WEST CIRCLE DRIVE Complete Baby Bed; High Chair; Tricycles, Toys; Children's Clothes. Other house- old goads. Men Ladies clothes.

Real bargains. FREIGHT DAMAGED FROSTFREE Deluxe HOTPOINT 2-door Refrigerator Freezer, will allow $30 for dent and $50 for trade, bring this beauty way down from S320 to $240. $12.00 monthly handles. NEW GAS RANGE, small chip, reduced $63. COLEMAN'S 615 Jefferson BASEMENT SALE 1428 WEST MAN ALL DAY--FRI.

SAT. BASEMENT SALE, 8 to 8, FRI. SEPT. 30--OCT 1. Old Hwy.

54 South, left on Route "CC" at 3-Mile Grocery. SINGLE BEDS-DINETTE SETS RUNKLES Used Furniture, Antiques, 711 Jefferson. BASEMENT SALE 1303 JOBE SATURDAY, 8 A.M.-3 P.M. House furnishings, Baby Children's Clothing, Toys, etc. BLOCK BASEMENT SALE 1905 ELLA FRI.

SAT. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Children's Clothing, Jewelry, etc USED KELVINATOR Chest Freezer FRIGIDAIRE i gerator, freezer across top. G.E.

REFRIGERATOR, freezer across top. MID-STATE APPLIANCE 417-419 W. Main Dial 635-4823 Authorized Frigidaire Dealer CLEAN rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer SI. Salisch Paint.

COLOR PRINTS, 25c POHLMAN'S. 2007 E. McCarty HUGE Rummage Sale--Satur- 'd'ay ONLY. Men's, womens, teen (boys girls) clothing. 1107 Darlene.

HYDRAULIC Hose, Wire Rope; All Types Steel INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CAPITAL MACHINE 636-4631 ONE of the finer things of life --Blue Lustre carpet upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer SI. U.S. Rents It Open Evenings Weekends Johnson's Antiques, New Bloom. field.

4 miles E. of 54 on TT UMMAGE SALE Friday Sept. 30, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mens womens, childrens clothing drapes, dishes, miscellaneous 200 Boonville Rd. RUMMAGE SALE BY AMISTOSA CLASS METHODIST CHURCH CAPITOL MONROE FRI, SEPT.

30, 8 A.M.-8 P.M RUMMAGE SALE 3401 OLD ST. LOUIS ROAD SEPT. 30, 9 to 6 Baby Bed, Dresser, Chest, Etc RUMMAGE SALE 312 WEST ATCHISON SAT. Only--Everything Pric RUMAGE SALE 2010 NORRIS DRIVE Fri. Sept.

30, Oct. 1 RUMMAGE SALE 1428 MAJOR DRIVE SEPT. 30, Children Adults Clothing RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY 1403 DEBRA SCHOOL DESKS, used, mostly small. Ideal for home use I.C. Rectory.

635-6143. 6 ROOM, SUBURBAN, WEST 3-BEDROOMS $115. DIAL 636-8977 1530 MIMOSA, 3 Bedroom $100. 0 CARDINAL, 3 Bedrooms, $125. OTT REALTY, Dial 635-4266 LADY--Wants 3 room furnished efficiency.

Commission on Human Rights. Dial 635-7961. RCA-VICTOR--MOTOROLA GENERAL ELECTRIC COLOR TV's NEW USED Choose the one that Suits Your Decor. herb cordon appliance HIGHWAY 50 WEST USED TELEVISIONS BANNING APPLIANCE 702 E. McCarty 636-7163 3 ROOMS--New Furniture $497 Bank Financing Cardwell's Furniture, Hwy 50 Offices and Desks Room 78 MODERN OFFICE ROOM Elevator Janitor Service 235 E.

High 636-7511 Wanted to Rent 81 BY BUILDER new 3 bedroom Real Estate FOR SALE Brokers In Real Estate COMMERCIAL, Homes and Farms FOR SALE CAPITAL REAl ESTATE Office--610 W. Dunklin 635-5179 COMMERCIAL, Homes Farms RAYmond G. Scheperle, Realty Day or Night. Dial 635-3230 BUY or SELL WITH SMITH REALTY CO. 314 Madison Dial 635-7971 TYLER Realty Insurance Farms.

Residential, Commercial Dial 635-8210-- 63S-226--635-3590 Farms and Land for Sale 83 179 ACRE Osage River Bottom Farm, Vz mile river front. Approximately 100 tillable. Good 7 room rock house outbuildings. Call 636-4454 after 5:30 300 ACRES well improved Mon iteau Bottom Farm, one of the best. On state blacktop By owner, Herbert Kusgen.

796-2309. California, Mo. Real Estate FOR SALE Houses for Sale CEDAR CITY 5 room modern house, hardwood floors. $250. down.

Payments $54.50 per month. Dial 636-4662. HOUSE FOR SALE--By Owner beautiful brick 3 bedroom home, 1 year old, on large shaded lot. Wall to wall carpeting, drapes, central heat- Ing, builtin kitchen, full basement. For appointment Dial 896-4595.

J. RAYMOND BRUMMET REALTOR Developers of OPEN FRIDAY been wanting this pretty 3-bedroom Rancher can be yours by assuming 5 4 G. I. Loan and paying owner's equity and $125. a month.

HOW ABOUT 2 financing on our 2-acre Estate on Circle? Can do can do! OBIE MONZELL Broker EXCLUSIVES 209a Monroe Anytime 635-9580 BALD HILL ROAD Small home priced to sell. Only $4,500. Also 2 beautiful building lots. L. E.

SWILLUM, Realtor 636-8105 anytime brick home. 685-5565. West end. Dial BY OWNER--Duplex, fine condition, good location, near stores. Cash $11,500.

635-7407. BY OWNER 2 BEDROOM Brick House Westend Dial 635-2162 REALTOR Dial 635-6896 Esther Kliethermes Marie Crewz Elinor Kavanatigh BY OWNER--3 or 4 bedroom home. Walking distance to schools and park. Call 635-5552 BY OWNER 4 bedroom 2 baths, 2 car garage, central air, house less than year old. Westend.

635-8583. 30" HARDWICK Gas Range; Hotpoint Automatic Washer Dryer $100 each. Call 6362568 after 5:30 p.m. Houses for Sale R4 Musical Merchandise 62 Band Orchestra INSTRUMENTS New, re-conditioned and used. Convenient rental plan.

All rent applys on purchase. SHAW MUSIC CO. 213 E. Miller. Dial 635-2732 GOOD USED CONN ELECTRIC ORGAN with Ampflier NEW KIMBALL PIANO, S399.95 SCHEPPERS ELECTRONICS DIAL 636-4959 Lawn Garden 63-A AERATE LAWNS near patios and play soil.

yards to loosen LANDSCAPING top soil for gale. Free bids, Nelson Tree Dial 635-1905. EXECUTIVE TYPE 3 Bedroom Brick almost new. A home of dignity-- located on a picturesque spot in Westphalia. Only 15-minute drive Call for particulars.

$23,500 or with nice furnishings, $25,000. YOU CAN LIVE happy in a We ave a very desirable 6-room home In Clarksburg for only S6900. All city rtilities; ALSO a 6- room home on acres in New Blbomfield, S6800, LEVEL 200'x70' in JElstonj on blacktop with sm'all solid- building in rear. Ideal forl home or trailer. FISCHER REAL ESTATE 301 Lafayette St.

635-2440 WM. BRET 635-5956 LYDA McDONALD 635-6448 STELLA MERRICK 796-3241 California, Mo. Real Estate FOR RENT Rooms Without Board 68 ROOM FOR RENT GENTLEMEN 102 Jackson SLEEPING ROOM for Man $35. Private Entrance 821 E. McCarty 636-3468 Rooms for floniekeeplng (59 ROOM for Light Housekeeping Also Sleeping Room Ladies Good locations 636-4276 Apartments and Flats 74 HOW WOULD YOU like to have 9-Acres on Highway 50 West Similes.

Ideal business location or Subdivision, 635-2268. 4 BEDROOM HOME on 4-acres or 52 Acres, just North of Mokane. School bus to new Callaway R-2. You should see this. 635-2268.

4 BEDROOM BRICK Carpeting. 2 blocks to West School. Payments of S65.10 per month. 2 BEDROOM CLUB HOUSE on Osage, 13-miles East. 2--80'xlSO' TREE A LOTS on Darlene.

635-2268. 3 BEDROOMS baths. Carpeting, drapes, electric kitchen, double garage, Central air, fireplaced Rec Room. Southwest. 635-2268.

2 BEDROOM BRICK in St. Martins. Extra large built-in kitchen. Carpeting, attached garage. Want to make an offer? 2-BEDROOM FRAME Gas heat, enclosed porch, storms, basement, Osage City.

Only S4500. Total price. Real Estate FOR SALE Hoviek for Sato 2 TO 5 in Scliellrirfec English Tudor Home at No. 2 Old Gibler Road 546,500.00 spend some us this outstanding new home. Clifford Schell has decorated this in detail.

Look closely at the fine cabinet work, the wood finishes; wall colors, papers and coverings; lighting fixt- ures and floor finishes. Designed by J. Raymond Brummet Construction by Majors Precision Homes TOO LOOK or TO LIST J. RAYMOND ROOM for everyonfe in this 4 bedroom rancher select West area--2M: baths; large family kitchen with built- ins (2 ovens); large living room and formal dining area; glassed-in, heated porch; priced in 20's. UNBEATABLES UNDER houses, both South--priced at $7,000 is this 2 bedroomer with eat-in kitchen (including range); living room and enclosed porch priced at 56,500 is a 2 story ideal for family or conversion to duplex with its Hi baths; 3 bedrooms (1 a i 2 kitchens (I a i 2 living rooms (1 up) and partial basement.

A VIEW of river boats is from this duplex with 2 bedroom apartment on 1st floor and 1 bedroom apartment on 2nd. Separate utilities. $115 monthly income. Priced in 13's. Have you an offer? mildred hodges realty exclusive listings phone 635-3249 anytime Real Estate FOR SALE Honses for Sale 84 FOR SALE" u-ailer or lako lot--4 room home--full basement, stucco construction.

702 Edmonds. Harry O'Dcll, 262 St. Johns Cahokia, 111. PER MONTH your favorite payment? Then trade your horse, boat, Mobile home or small house in on this beautiful three bedroom brick and assume loan. Its so easy and you'll be dollars ahead.

Storage for three cars. Fine garden spot. Separate dining room, Large bedrooms. One of the best. Your chance to step up.

I this properly your consideration, and you'll Heal Estate FOR SALE i Real Estate FOR SALE Lots for Sale 85 CHOICE LOTS RAINBOW ACRES Gas soon. 636-7502 SALE SUBURBAN--100x200'--WEST 635-5GQ7 OWNER Wanted--Real Estate Buy Direct and Save LANDWEHR HILLS. 636-6934' SEE the BcTuitifuf Building "Lots in Grandview Estates. Seven Steck. G36-247 200 TO 300 ACRES wanted pro for or more tillable within 20 i of Jefferson City with modern house.

635-4558 or Write Box 39, News Tribune. No agents please. GET a a a i Bertie Spalding, Broker Phone 896-4497, a i SPALDING REALTY SUMMIT DRIVE. i a North 896-4497 Shore Lake for Sale SB CABIN-- miles nell Dam, 2 bedroom. SB500.

Terms Boat dorkngr. Nice fi35-84(iO. NORTH SHORE" Lake" LoC Ex- a a for building, all utilities in. S3200. 8M-4530, Exchange--Real JSstale 88 TRADE St." Louis" suburban properly for farm in S4 ville area.

Dial 636-94M. Bill Amick Electric Commercial Industrial Residential A Work Guaranteed 421 E. McCarty Free Estimates 635-1491 BRUMMET 636-2361 636-8962 636-6534 NEW LiSTiNG This home "won't be around long! A newish rancher in excellent location. Carpeted living room and dining room Fireplace. Four bedrooms, one full--two half baths lovely rec.

room -Patio Beautiful trees and shrubs--fenced yard double car garage. Central air. A loan you can assume-Mid-twenties. Call 635-3465. L.

E. SWILLUM, Realtor 635-346, NEW 4 bedroom 2V 2 baths, carpeted living dining room, 2 fireplaces, finished rec room plus double garage. Located in Westend Priced in mid S20's. 635-3604 ONE OF OUR--Most liveable homes we have offered in a long time. 8-room Brick Rancher.

Carpeting, 2V 2 baths THE LOVELIEST A WEST Goldammer built brick--3 big, big, bedrooms, 2-full tiled baths, attractive living room with fireplace, dining room with adjoining den eatin kitchen--recreation room opening onto outdoor patio and lovely secluded level back yard. Air-conditioned exhaust fan. Attached garage. Low S20's. THE DECOR will appeal to you --2 story home on Moreau Drive 3 spacious living rooms with fireplace, formal dining room cheery eat in kitchen baths, rumpus room in walk-out bisement-- air conditioned, exhaust fan Low $20 s.

440 ACRE FARM--all tillable. Callaway County river bottom, near Tebbetts. $1700 DOWN. Take over G.I. Loan, at interest--Taxes insurance included $99.

monthly payments Brick 3- bedrooms Suburban Rancher Hurry this won't last long! Camille Black, Realtor SEARS' New Location 418 Dix Road. Dial 636-3154 4 BEDROOM split level, family room, double car garage acres, on school bus, mail route, garage, a 10 miles. 4 ROOM HOUSE, Elston, modern, clean, S5900. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, new, wall: to wall carpet, well water. I Harry D.

Gibler, Broker 636-2606 635-1694 Walter Foster G35-5940 Earl Amos 636-7493 balance like rent, 2 a i also small 3- rooin (not modern) buy like rent. DECKER 636-3468 3 BEDROOM Shingle Home- Full basement, nice yard, 3 miles from city. SlO.fiOO. 70 ACRES Timberland with view-- West. $4000.

SMALL FARM 6 acres all cleared, 4-room partly modern home. 5 miles from city. S6750. J. C.

Realty Company 327 ASH STREET DIAL 635-3785 Wm. J. (Bill) Kauffman REALTOR 12514 E. High 635-2513 Viola Gray 636-6689 Jane Vetter 635-7763 -LLCiin-iici IJtluug, V2 UelUlS, lU cine 4-bedrooms, all electric kitchen, I Richard Keown 635-6055 635-4166 FRQNTAGE on near Apache Flats, 635-2268. Level.

iTyl SEARS' New Location 4 Rd Dial 636-3154 711 SUNDRIES LIQUORS Drug Sundries Meas Needs 711 Madison 635-9990 Boats and Accessories New Used HOARK BOAT SALES 635-4103 or 636-7825 FULL LINE--Chrysler Boats Motors. Boating accessories. Jetrad Division, 115 W. High. 636-2535.

Sporting Goods 52-B USED GUNS 18--12 Gauge Pumps 6--12 Gauge Automatics 1--16 Gauge Automatic 3--16 Gauge Pumps 7--Deer Guns, 10, 12 Gauge Bolt Action 20 UNFURNISHED 3 rooms, bath, S50. Utilities 'furnished. See 1121 Park Place after 5:30. WE BUY, SELL. TRADE GUNS WARE'S FURNITURE 603 Jefferson 636-3861 'Travel Trailers Campers 52C WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF 65 66 MODBjLS Shasta In A-l Condition At Greatly Reduced Pricei While They Last U.S.

RENTS IT 1609 Industrial Drive Farm Equipment 55-A JOHN DEERE 2-10 Cornhead- er for 55 or 45 Combine. Excellent. Also KY-31 Seed, Priced to sell. Dorsey Bass, Columbia, Mo. McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Lois of Used Saws in Stock HILKEMEYER'S, Frctburg, Mo AA-1 Life at Jefferson Heights 3-4-5 room, garden apartments also furnished.

Heat Serv- Ices. Select clientele. 635-1722. A-l FURNISHED Central Air-conditioning, electric builtins, close in, excellent view. S120.

per month. Dial 635-5782. A-l UNFURNISHED--3 room apartment. Employed adult. Air conditioner, Disposal, Water, Fan.

Dial 636-9674 after 5 or weekend. CAPITOL HOUSE 2-Bedroom Apartment Jordan Kolb. 635-4166 NEW, 4 room furnished, 120 E. Atchison. NICE 3 ROOM furnished.

213 E. SEARS' New Location 418 Dix Road. Dial 636-3154 YOUNG LADY wishes to share apartment. Dial 636-8197 between 8 a 5 p.m. 1 ROOM efficiency upstairs, share bath, adult, $40.

717 E. McCarty. Dial 636-6377. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS Employed couple. Adults, no children or 501 E.

High. 3 ROOM Unfurnished. Heat water furnished. Adult 635-2533 after 5. 3 HOOM Apartment, upstairs.

Heat, water, stove, refrigerator furnished. Dial 635-6655. 3 ROOM unfurnished S507" MCDOWELL REALTY co. Dial 635-7101 Vivlon Sales 635-7028 3 ROOM--Furnished, front, first floor, Adults. 'King ment.

Dial 636-3277. Apart- 4 -LARGE--Unfurnished rooms, fireplace. Ideal location, West. $S5. Ditl S36-7621.

ONE STOP for all your hunting supplies GUNS NEW AEMINUS 22 Cal. ARMINUS SW Long Revolver BROWNING RUGER COLT, 22 Cal. Automatic Pistol. Hi-Standard. In Stock Now HARD TO GET SW K-22 REVOLVER 22 Cal.

6" Bbl. ITHACA 410 20 Gauge Single Shots USED 32 Cal. Auto- malic Pistol REMINGTON BOLT ACTION 22 Cal. 7Shot Mag. As New Condition WINCHESTER Model 42 410 Ga.

28" Modified Bbl. REMINGTON Model 11 16 Ga. 26" Bbl. Improved Cyl. PARKER VH Grade 12 30" Double Bbl.

Full Full MANY OTHER NEW USED GUNS Cash--Trade--Terms 66 Different Calibre Pistol Rifle Shells STEPPLEMAN'S Arms 6- Saddlery 618 E. High $3295 $7000 430 W. McCarty 635-8210 Margaret Trippensee 635-2268 Homer C. Tyler 635-3590 2-car attached garage. Assume long time loan 5 a Central air.

beautiful lot. HOUSE FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT Buelah D. Ortmeyer, Sales 8 to 5 After 5 2-584-3469 Jordan-Klb, Realtors TWO STORY APARTMENT on! good business corner--rented' leased S247.50. Income $21,000. WARWICK VILLAGE--15 tages 24 rooms with baths --Bar--Cafe--Information in office only.

June P. Scott, Broker RENTING DOESN'T make sense when you can buy this home with low down payment. Home has 2 large bedrooms, living room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen. Large lot, full basement. Owner says sell.

SUBURBAN EAST 7-room home with full basement, large lot. Only $11,000. McDowell Realty Co. 322 Jefferson Dial 635-7101 Vivian Hall, Sales 635-7028 Harold McDowell, Sales 635-5607 635-6156 238 E. High Phil Foley 636-3294 636-8730 FOR RENT or LEASE 4000 Square Feet WILL DIVIDE OFFICE or STORAGE SPACE--Ground Floor AIR-CONDITIONED Clark Ave.

at Highway Mrs. Geo. B. Magen 2300 West Main Dial 636-6755 WE CURE SICK HEATING SYSTEMS Woodman Engineering Co. 201 E.

Capitol--W6-3171 HESS'S COUNTRY SIDE INN Hack X'acatfon PK Kot Country Ham A Filtd i a flnmrmarte Bread A Butler Milfs No. on Old mile left of N'cw i a a (or Ml. Tlrtisant Church sign right 100 yards. YOUR FAMILY CAN EARN AN EXTRA $200 A WEEK Wp EVVP looking for a hushnnd and a in this urea interested In i thrlr own business i i a i a risk, Tlic husl- A a distributorship for a a Cosmetics Company. an a i of Ihn Rcxnll Drue and Chemical Company.

This Is business a i can run with Just occasional help from her band. A business that can earn J200 A week to $25.000 ft year or more when No business experience required. We a i you, in your area. There It an opening hero now. If you are anxious to build a i a business for your family, write a pleaae Include Information about both of you.

We'll send complete details, at no obligation. Write Mark Brinkerhoff, Vice President Vanda Cosmetics Company, Orlando, Florida Melba Bommell 896-4379 Rita Nier 636-6396 Anna Dulle 635-1343 TOWNER Radio, TV, Sales-Service Exclusively With Location 1001 Hwy. 50 W. 635-1043 OFFICE FOR RENT I have 510 square feet of space available for rental in the HAMMOND BUILDING a 312 East Capitol Ave, It can be i i Into two a a offices or It can he iiscrt as is. It is completely modern with air i i i heat, a i services, electricity and toilet facilities furnished.

Ralph W. Hammond 636-9112 BURLINGTON BASKET CO. BURLINGTON, IOWA (Makers of America's Finest for over 80 years) invites you to apply to train as basket and hamper makers, machine operators, spray painters day shift. Good wages and fringe benefits. Phone: 319-754-6509 Collect 9 a.m.-10 a.m.

Or Apply Personell Office Burlington Basket Burlington, lowm WIN A NEW 1967 PONTIAC OR ONE OF 1.123 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES PRIZE LIST 1967 PONTIAC-Of Your Choice 4 DREAM VACATIONS FOR TWO In New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco 1 SONY VIDEO TAPE RECORDER Records Both Picture and Sound on Tape 2 SPACIOUS APACHE EAGLE MODEL CAMPING TRAILERS 1 GLAMOROUS BLACK DIAMOND RANCH MINK COAT Adventurer Portable T.V. Sets 100-45 Piece Lenoxwgrg Dinnerware Sets 400-Stuffed Toy Sprint 600-Eastman Kodak Hawkeye Flash Cameras. COME IN NOW AND REGISTER SEE THE NEW PONTIAC LINE FOR 1967 HAVE A FREE CUP OF COFFEE COOKIES HAVE FUN WITH US-at OPEN 8 a.m. Til 9 P.M. 6 Days A WEEK SHIKLES MOTOR CO.

(See The New 1967 Pontiacs On Lee Mace's Ozark Opera) 308 BROADWAY ST. DIAL 636-8117.

Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.