Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)

I 1 I Dial 636-3131 POST-TRIBUNE. Jefferson City, Friday Afternoon, October 21, 196ft You Can Get Buyers Ads 13 636-3131 Real Estate FOR KENT Apartments and flits 74 ADULT DIAL 63G-4G89 APARTMENT Spacious--5 room; tastefully decorated. New all electric kitchen Unfurnished. Adults. Available now.

Phone 636-2409 Sunday only. "Week days cal! 636-8118, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. CAPITAL View Apartments--3 room furnished. per month.

Utilities separate. Available immediately. Dial 1512 MIMOSA LANE a a Nov. 1. 2-Bedroom, $75.

1526 MIMOSA--3 Bedroom $100; OTT REALTY DIAL 635-4266 1318 ST. MARYS 3 rooms bath, full basement, water furnished S60. Dirl 635-4294. CAPITOL HOUSE 2-Bedroom Apartment Jordan Kolb. 635-4166 CLOSE IN 4 rooms enclosed, porch, unfurnished.

Stove and icebox. 2nd floor. Private Adults. 636-8259 after 5 or weekends. FOR RENT 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS PHONE 635-2745 LARGE 4 room apartment.

Ideal location, near downtown. Private entrance bath, all utilities furnished. Immediate possession. J. C.

REALTY 635-3785 NEW 4 room furnished, 120 E. Atchison, lady. NICE 2 room furnished. 213 E. Capital.

ONE BEDROOM Furnished apartment; unfurn- isbed apartment. 2-491-3502. ONE. ROOM EFFICIENCY, Share bath. 1-Adult.

Utilities furnished. $44. 717 E. McCarty. Dial 636-6377.

TWO Modern furnished. Private bath entrance. No pets. 1105 W. Miller.

635-3360. TWO--Furnished rooms bath, first floor. Utilities paid. Private, Adults. Dial 635-1377.

UNFURNISHED Apartment --4 large rooms, first floor, private entrances, garage. 414 E. Capital. Dial 635-1973. Real Estate FOR RENT Houses far Rent 77 HouseT For Rent 77-A MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT DIAL 635-1754 Offices and Desks Room 78 MODERN OFFICE ROOM Elevator Janitor Service 235 E.

High 636-7511 Real Estate FOR SALE Brokers to Real Estate COMMERCIAL, Homes. Farms RAYmond G. Scheperle, Realty Day or Night. Brokers in Real Estate BUY or SELL WITH SMITH REALTY CO. 314 Madison Dial 635-7971 BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Large level lot, tri- level, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room opening onto patio, built-in kitchen and carpeted living room.

West. Mid- teen price. J. C. Realty Company 327 ASH STREET DIAL 635-3785 Wm.

J. (Bill) Kauffman REALTOR TYLER Realty Insurance Farms, Residential, Commercial Dial 635-8210--635-2268--635-3590 Business JPrgpertyjfor Sale 82 NEW 4 bedroom house. baths, carpeted living dining room, 2 fireplaces, finished rec room pius double garage. Located in Westend. Priced in mid S20's.

635-3604. WALZ APARTTVtENTS 2-Bedroom Master wall to wall carpeted Living room, carpeted wall t.o wall Built in appliances in kitchen First floor apartments Parking that is lighted Available Nov. 1st Call: Bob Walz 635-6309 BUSINESS PROPERTIES 5 ROOM HOUSE in business zoned area suitable for Doctor or dentist office, insurance office etc. 3 ROOM AREA suited for beauty shop, doctors office or other type office. Good area.

Reasonable rent, parking lot. 1,000 FEET OFFICE AREA for lease new. ground floor, modern, parking, first class location. LOCATION FOR BUSINESS -South on 54 right next to Ramada Inn fine for service station, small motel, restaurant and gift shop. Will sell all or part will consider building to lease.

ACRES of near level land- on new dual lane 50 at intersection fine for motel, restaurant, apartments, or business. SEVERAL GOOD investment properties for sale. WILL BUILD to suit your purpose have several good locations. CALL JACK JORDAN 635-4166 or 636-2786 Jordan-Kolb, Realtors BY BUILDER--Two new 3-bedroom beauties--711 713 Belmont. 2-car garage, paneled family room with fireplare.

carpeted living room hall, full basement AND 1 block to new school. 636-8773. 2 ROOM furnished apartment. Utilities included. 101 MONROE 3 BEDROOM Apartment nished.

Heat all utilities furnished. Ideal for working girls to share. S110. 636-6201. 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT DIAL 636-7697 3 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED 3 large walkin closets, upstairs.

Utilities furnished. 636-3368. 4 ROOM furnished apartment glassed-in porch. Plenty of closets cabinets. No children or pets.

Dial 635-2279. 4 ROOM Unfurnished apartment, Westend, close in. Heat water furnished S70. month. Dial 635-3261.

8 ROOM unfurnished, newly decorated. Private entrance. First floor. See at 308 Locust 3 ROOM Unfurnished apartment. Apply in person.

312 MONROE fc ROOM Stove, Refrigerator, heat water furnished. Call 636-2541 or 896-4530. 5 ROOM, unfurnished, private bath entrance. S50. Available.

Dial 635-5989. Houses for Rent 77 MAIN FLOOR Home. 4 room and closed-in porch. Phone 636-3561 or 635-1271. 2 BEDROOM, all modern home ANTWEILER SUBDIVISION Holt Summit 896-4342 2 BEDROOM house with attached garage.

Eastend. Vacant November 1st S100. 635-2343. 3 BEDROOM House, full basement, 7-miles North on Hwy. 63, S65.

Dial 636-6571. 3 BEDROOM All modern house. East. Vacant Nov. 1.

636-7836. Can be seen by appointment. 3 BEDROOMS, large living room kitchen. Vacant now. S75.

Dial 636-64C3. 5 ROOM HOUSE with attached garage. Suburban, $100. 636-8977 after 5 or weekends. Farms and Land for Sale 83 ONLY S2.20 PER ACRE 500 ACRES GOOD FARMLAND SHOO TOTAL PRICE 3110 DOWN, S33 PER MONTH FREK COLORED BROCHURE 500 acres of good farmland where vegetables, rice, wheat, corn, fruits most anything planted thrives.

Annual rain fall 45 inches. Temperatures range from a low of 50 degrees to a high of 85 degrees. Pioneers from all over the world are pouring into this country seeking their fortunes. Some of the largest companies in the world Real Estate FOR SALE Farms and Land lor Smlfc 83 190 ACRE FARM 15 miles South. Blacktop road.

Large creek, barn, Call 635-3730. Houses for Sale 84 BALD HILL ROAD Small home priced to sell. Only $4,500. Also 2 beautiful building lots. L.

E. SWILLUM, Realtor 636-8105 anytime FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 full baths, carpeted living room, king size kitchen, large Family Room with fireplace, don-! ble carport. All on 1-floor. On very large level let. Also full basement.

In very best Westend location. Priced Mid 20's. Write Box 45. News Tribune. Real Estate FOR SALE Houses for Sale BY OWNER 3 or 4-bedroom home.

Walking distance and park. Call 635-5552. FOR THAT COUPLE--Modern 4-i-oom home with 1-acre, level lot, cityi water gas in Centertown. Only $8500. WE'RE OPEN 'til 3 on Saturday Come out and let's look through our large selection of listings.

We handle rentals too houses, apartments, commercials. JAMES E. SETTLE, Sales 635-4166 After 5 636-2679 Jordan-Kolb, Realtors HOUSE FOR SALE MODERN six room house, 10 acres, barn, chicken house, deep well, garden, 10 minutes out. 2 BEDROOM home, clean, wall to wall carpet, well water, teens. 3 BEDROOM Ranch, new, all electric kitchen.

Teens. Harry D.Gibler, Broker 636-2606 635-1694 Walter Foster G35-5940 Earl Amos 036-7493 BY OWNER--Must sell home. Make down payment and as- 1 same existing lonn. Beautiful brick 3-bedrooms, 1-year old, on large shaded lot. Wall-to- wall carpeting, drapes, central heating, builtin kitchen, full basement.

By appointment. Dial 896-4595. SUBURBAN--west six room brick--214 ba ths--carpeted -two fireplaces rr room-central air. WEST--an older home in perfect condition--three or four bedrooms baths--fireplace glassed in porch- beautiful tree shaded lot. June P.

Scott, Broker 238 E. High 635-6156 636-3294 Phil Foley 636-8730 Melba Bommell 896-4379 Rita Nier 636-6398 Anna Dulle 635-1343 Martha Lankford 896-4145 BY OWNER Split-Level in Westend. Central air, double garage. 3-bedrooms, 2-baths, carpeted living room, dining room and hallway. Can as- sume a loan.

Payments less than S125. Day 635-6464 --Night 635-4070. BY OWNER--3 bedroom Brick, rec room, full basement, East. Reasonable. Dial 635-6555.

BY OWNER 3 bedroom home on Tanner Bridge Rd. 315,000 3 BEDROOM home at 606 Ell i 522,000. Dial 63G-2485. IF YOU WANT TO BUY RENT OR SELL YOUR HOME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OR FARM CALL US CAPITAL REAL ESTATE Office--610 W. Dunklin 635-5179 SALES Vernon Smith, 635-3888 CEDAR CITY 5 room modern house, hardwood floors.

3250. down. Payments $54.50 per month. Dial 636-4662. CONVENIENT WEST LOCATION--5 Rooms, baths, fenced rear yard to keep the dogs kids at home, $12,800.

GIFTS GALORE, When you discover this ten room grand home on sedate Moreau Drive, you'll think it's your birthday and Hubby will say "it's yours." Take over FHA Loan for most of the price BEAUTIFUL AND BRAND NEW HOMES in Westend BELAIR, SUE DRIVE. Homes from 316,500.00 with all the modern appointments. Ail loc- cated right' at NEW BEL-AIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. CAPITOL VfEW, over-looking exclusive Suburban area. One of county's highest locations.

A perfect retirement home. Excellent condition and only eleven years old, SMITH REALTY Charles E. Smith, Inc. Bob Pratt, Mgr. Charles E.

Smith, Realtor FORREST POWELL, 035-4617 KATE BODE, 636-7942 R. G. BENSON, 636-2986 factories" throughout ELIGHTFUL Neighborhood for your family with a brand new 3 bedroom brick home, are located 400 miles from the capital of Brazil, South America. Each farm has been fully surveyed, staked and registered. Mineral rights i included.

A our titles are free and clear. Free booklets showing pictures and giving complete details sent upon request. Selig Bros. Real Estate Company, 42 South Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Telephone area code 317 034-8328 or residence phone 283-1256.

We are members of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce. baths, separate dining room, built-in stove, priced at 315,500. TOO LOOK or TO LIST J. RAYMOND BRUMMET REALTOR Elinor Kavanaugh, Sales 304 635-6896 After 5 Jefferson 636-6534 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 BEDROOM South. Down payment take over G.I.

Loan. Dial 636-4045 NEAT See this all on one floor plan, three bedroom, eat in kitchen, partially paneled living room, curtain and drapes, full basement, attached garage. Call 896-4444. I.E. SWILLUM, Realtor 636-8105 305 Monroe 635-3465 NEED LOTS OF ROOM? and a low price? How about 1800 square feet for 513,500 completely furnished if desired.

A full acre of ground with tremendous trees. Two baths; three or four bedrooms and they are roomy. Brand new deep well. Natural gas. This home is in tip top condition.

No improvements needed. Its built like a fortress and the owner just MIGHT take that trailer as a trade in. Bertie Spalding, Broker SPALDING REALTY SUMMIT DRIVE, Highway 54 North 896-4497 Anytime SIZZLING BARGAIN when three unit bringing in 5175 per month selling for $11,500. 'Specially when it's down town Has a loan of S7200 TO to take over with S74.95 monthly payments, good? WANT a 3-bedroom Brick hear basement designed room. If you have a of thousand, we'll do the rest.

BEVERLY DRIVE has one of those 3-bedroom Brick Ranchers vacant and ready. 5 G.I. Loan to take over by paying owner's equity. Why not look and talk--who knows? OBIE MIZELi, Broker EXCLUSIVES 209a Monroe Anytime 636-9580 WE CURE SICK HEATING SYSTEMS Woodman Engineering Co. 201 Capitol--636-3171 6 ROOM HOUSE 800 OHIO STREET DIAL 636-9791 7 BEDROOM home at 1410 W.

Main. Immediate possession. SI50. Dial 8-ROOM HOUSE For Business or Residence 615a EAST HIGH Dial G35-2993 or 635-2500 PIONEER CHAIN ARE NOW IN STOCK See the new, lightweight, power that Pioneer has packed into their new line. Come on in for a demonstration.

LOHMAN Producer-; Exchange Lohman, Mo. FOR RENT or LEASE 2000 Sq. Ft. Store or Office 600 Clark Avenue 4000 Sq. Ft.

Ground Floor Office Space 601 Clark Avenue Divide CGI I 636-6755 BIG SELECTION USED CARS But If We Don't Have What You Want CHECK OUR LOT OFTEN NEW FORD TRADE-INS COMING IN EVERY DAY 1966 Ford Galaxie "500" 4-Door V-8 Automatic Under 9,000 Miles 1965 Cad iliac Convertible Fully Equipped, Including Factory Air Conditioning Under 30,000 Miles 1965 Chevrolet Malibu 2-Door Hnrdtop 2 to Choose From 3 Black, 4-Speed 1 White Automatic 1963 Ford Fast Back 2 Tone Red White 390--V-8 Automatic 1965 Cadillac 1965 Cadillac Coupe Full Power, Factory Air Beautiful Beige Coupe Deville White With Black Vinyl Top White Leather Interior Plus Many Newer AND BIG Little OLD Trucks NEWISH IN BETWEEN TRUCKS WE GOT READY TO TRADE VanBebber Salesmen Joe Herx Schanzmeyer Ford Used Cars 804 Southwest Blvd. Sid Fox, Used Csr Mgr, DinJ 635-5036 Real Estate FOR SALE Houses For Sale 84 FOR SALE-Bv Owner. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, family room, built-in kitchen, carpeted livingroom and dining room. All on one floor, plus basement, good West end location. Dial 6315-6346 BY BUILDER New 3 bedroom brick home.

15th house outside the ctiy limits on left side of Tanner Bridge Road This house is open. 63G-8584' WHERE AUE YOU who want a select West area and in excellent all-on-one- floor plan featuring 4 bedrooms; baths; 22' living room and foi-mal dining area; family kitchen with electric built-ins, some interior paint, you say maybe so, let's consider that in the 20ish pi-ice (financing available). ARRANGED $140 monthly income from this duplex and the financing (if you want). Each apartment has 2 bedrooms; large living room; nice eat-in kitchen; enclosed porch; priced in 13's offer? i fildred hedges realty exclusive listings phone 635-3249 anytime Real Estate FOB SALE Houses For Sale YOU DREAMED IT GOT WANT TO TRADE Emiity in 4-bodroom Brick in Wesi- end for small unimproved farm in Cole County--6353590. 9 ACRES.

5 miles West on 50--this is ideal business location. Owner will finance, 635-22R8, 2 BEDROOM Modern Cabin--good i fishing. 10-milcs East S4500 2G5 ACRE Callaway Farm. 160 acres 7-miles from city COMMERCIAL BUILDING for Sale or Lease Westend. 635-9590.

5,6 ACRES inside City Limits. Water Sewer. S4900. WILL 3 Bedroom Brick, East, for small farm near Jefferson City RESIDENTIAL Commercial Lots For Sale. 4 BEDROOM BRICK, 2- blocks to West School.

Assume loan w'Ji payments of 565.10. Check this one. .3 BEDROOM BRICK -South. All you want in a home. Mid-teens.

WE NEED LISTINGS on Small Farms in Cole Callaway. TYLER REALTY INSURANCE CO. Margaret Trip-, nsee (535-2268 Homer C. Tyler Real Estate FOR SALE NEW, 3-BEDROOM BRICKT HOMES WESTEND DIAL 635-5565 OLDER 3 bedroom brick In ir condition. East.

Reasonable down payment. Owner will finance balance like rent Would make excellent office for doctor. Phone 635-2487 WEST CREST DRIVE BY OWNER-Split Level 3- bedrooms, 1V4 baths, attached gnrnge, rec room plus full basement, carpeted living- dining room, eat-in kitchen central air. Dial 63Q-6706. Lt I lJ 3illf 85 SEE the Beautiful BuildinjfLotsi in Grandview Estates.

Seven; miles W. Betty Steck. 636-2417: 5 ROOM HOUSE, basement, Closed in porch and garage 635-6078. 814 Washington. Real Estate FOR SALE Ihore for Sale 86 NOW IS THE TIME Uike Property at Off Season' Rates.

We have weekend cot- tnges, private homes busi- 1 ness. FISCHER REAL ESTATE 301 Lafayette 635-2440 Wanted-- 89 WANT to lease cabin North Shore, Lake Ozark with op-' lion to buy. Call 635-1422. Lots for Sale 85 CHOICE LOTS HAINBOW ACRES Gas water soon. 635-7562 IDEAL BUILDING LOT WESTEND 53500 Dial 636-484(5 LOTS FOR SALE SUBURBAN--100x200'--WEST 635-7101 or 635-5607 LOTS BY OWNER Buy Direct and Save 1 LANDWEHR HILLS, 6S6-69M DANCE Elmer's Place (South of Morrison) Oct.

29 --Music by-DON ELKINS (MISSOURI POOR BOYS --Everyone Welcome-- WOMAN'S CREAM this beautiful New Brick Split-Level is beyond compare in a floor plan designed for gracious living. A Family Room, Western builtin electric kitchen with raised hearth fireplace! plus large ground level bonus' room which can be used for fourth bedroom or extra Family Room. 3-Regal size' bedrooms, 3-ceramic tile baths, luxurious wall-to-wall carpeting Central air and other extras to numerous to mention. Large level lot. Exclusive Westend location.

G.I. LOANS AVAILABLE 3 QUALIFIED VETERANS sound CamiJJe Black, Realtor Anytime E. High Call South'School 7 veai-s" old--T, ,635 25 3 for Lot 253' deep Richard Keown 635-6055 basement designed for rec mes 555-6947 r-pr- a IT -6 Vetter 635-7763 PROFILE OF POWER: SUPER 754 Vs powerful Sutiur 754 can maintain a rigorous heavy duty cutting schedule elay after day, yet is i as low as $142.95. The secret is in its rugged i a a the powerful 5.4 cu. in.

engine, roller bearings throughout, exclusive roller nose guide bar, longer-lite sprocket. With so many plus features, who needs the extensive Remington two-year guarantee? Hardly anybody, but Remington gives it anyway to demonstrate the very same confidence you will have when you own a Remington chain saw. Come in lor a free demonstration' today. FREE operator's kil 31 ilighl DUTCUTS, OUTLASTS 'tM AM! RIVERSIDE SMALL ENGINES Hwy. 63 North at Cedar City Dial 636-3749 TOWNER Radio, TV, Sales-Service Exclusively With New Location 1001 Hwy.

50 635-1043 CHEVROLET SALES OPPORTUNITY JOIN America's No. 1 Sales Team I The No. 1 Car Truck NEVER A GREATER OPPORTUNITY for Challenging Work and Excellent Income See Sales Manager I I RILEY CHEVROLET Hwy. 50 West SED CARS WE DON'T HAVE BUT WHAT WE HAVE ARE GOOD '65 Ambassador 1964 Rambler 1964 Rambler 4-Door V-8 Automatic Power 1964 Ford V-S Z-Door Hardtop Standard 1963 Buick Special 4-Door V-6 Automatic "660." Wagon V-8 4-Door Automatic "550" 4-Door Standard 1963 Rambler 1963 Rambler Classic "550" 2-Door 6-Cylinder Standard Classic "770" 4-Door 6-Cylinder, Automatic 1963 Rambler '63 Ambassador American 4-Door Standard Station Wagon Power 1963 Ford '62 Ambassador 1961 Rambler 4-Door--Air 6-Cylinder. Standard 4-Door Sedan Air-Conditioned Classic 4-Door I 6-Cyljnder Standard 1 6-Cylinder, Automatic Come in Take a Drive See for Yourself Just How Good and How Cheap a USED CAR Can Be HACKMAN RAMBLER 505 W.

Dunklin Dial 636-2214 WE AT SCHANZMEYER FORD PROUDLY ANNOUNCE THE ASSOCIATION OF JAY SHRYOCK WITH OUR ORGANIZATION Mr. Shryock Has Had Many Years of Experience in the Automobile Business, Including a Number of Years as a Chevrolet Dealer. Jay Shryock Jay will be working in our Sales Department and invites all his friends and acquaintences to drop in and see him. ALL UNITS PRICED WILL BE SOLD THIS MONTH TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHOLESALE PRICES NOW 1966 Dodge Custom 440 4-Door V-8 Radio, Heater, Automatic 11,000 Actual Miles White Outside, Red Interior 1966 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Door Sedan Full Power, Factory Air Burgundy-Champagne, Vinyl Top 1966 Mustang 6-Cy Under Automatic Radio, Heater, Solid Red 4000 Actual Miles New Warranty 1965 Oldsmobile Delta "88" 4-Door Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering Brakes Air Conditioning New Whltewall Nylon Tires $2,360 1965 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Door Full Power Factory Air Extra Nice Family Car 1964 Chevrolet Impala 4-Door Sedan Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering Brakes Factory Air Conditioning New Whltewall Tires Low, Low Mileage Extra, Extra Clean 1964 DODGE Custom '880' 4-Door Hardtop Radio-Heater-Automatic Power-Steering, Bucket Seats Automatic Dcor Locks New White Wall Ny'on Tires 26,000 Actual Miles $1,590 1964 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Door Hard Top Full Power, Factory Air New White Wall Tires Extra Clean 1964 Ofdsmobife Starfire Coupe Radio-Heater-Automatic Power Steering Brakes Factory Air Conditioning Tilt Steering Wheel New White Wall Tires 1964 Oldsmobile i "88" 4- 5oor Fully Including Fflclory Air Conditioning $1,410 1964 Dodge Polara 4-Door Sedan Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering Brakes Factory Air Conditioning $1488 Full Pricel 1963 Pontiac Starchief 4-Door All Vinyl Interior Radio-Heater-Automatic Power Seats Factory Air Conditioning New White Wall Tires $1,320 1962 Mercury Monterey 2-Door Hardtop Radio, Heater, Automatic Power Steering, Solid White Black White Vinyl Interior Real Clean $810 1961 Cadillac Sedan Deville Power Steering Brakes Factory Air Conditioning $1,180 Better Used Cars Are Found Where the Finest New Cars Are Sold Guaranteed Warranty Tom Mahan, Salesman EVERETT SNODGRAS3 Used Car Manager Motors, Inc. Hwy.

50 West 635-6114 Oldsmobile-Codillac Dealer.

Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.