Rituals SG | Rituals Singapore (2025)

PrivacyPreference Center
  • Your Privacy
  • Functional Category
  • Strictly Necessary Category
  • Analytical Category
  • Marketing Category



Your PrivacyThis platform isowned and managed by Rituals Cosmetics Singapore Pte Ltd(hereinafter referred to as:"Rituals", "we" or "us"). We areusing cookies and equivalenttechnologies, such as pixels,SDKs and JavaScript (hereinaftercollectively referred to as:"cookies"). This policydescribes what these techniquesdo, which techniques we use, thepurposes for which we use themand the partners with whom wecooperate on this.


Functional Category


The cookies and techniquesbelonging to the functionalcategory ensure that Rituals´websites and apps can functioncorrectly. These include, forexample, the log-infunctionality and the ability toorder products.

The functional categoryensure that Rituals´ websitesand apps function properly.These cookies and techniquesensure that:

- The products that you addto your shopping cart whileshopping are kept there;
-The data that you enter duringthe ordering process isretained;
- Rituals canoffer you a gift if you haveordered for a certain amount;
- Street data is added ifyou enter a postcode;
- Youcan select different ways ofhaving your order delivered;
- You can select differentpayment methods when completingan order;
- If you havereceived a gift card or discountcode, that it can be redeemed;
- You can shop online atRituals safely;
- Yourbrowser settings are saved, sothat you can view our websiteoptimally on your screen;
-You can respond to feedbackinteractions;
- It ispossible to detect misuse of orpotential problems on ourwebsites, apps and services, forexample by registering a numberof consecutive failed loginattempts;
- The way thepage/screen is used on ourwebsite or app is saved, so thatyou can go back and forth topreviously visitedpages/screens;
- Thelanguage and country is saved,so that you do not have tore-enter language and countrysettings;
- The option tosave your login data can beprovided, so that you do nothave to log in again;
- Thepayment method can be saved, sothat we can preselect it for youthe next time;
- We can savethe results of a questionnairein the Guided Selling tool, sothat we do not have to requestyour preferences again.

StrictlyNecessary Category

StrictlyNecessary Category

Strictly necessary cookies ensurethat Rituals´ websites and appscan function correctly. Theseinclude, for example, the log-infunctionality and the ability toorder products.

The strictly necessarycookies ensure that Rituals´websites and apps functionproperly. These cookies ensurethat:

- The products that you addto your shopping cart whileshopping are kept there;
-The data that you enter duringthe ordering process isretained;
- Rituals canoffer you a gift if you haveordered for a certain amount;
- Street data is added ifyou enter a postcode;
- Youcan select different ways ofhaving your order delivered;
- You can select differentpayment methods when completingan order;
- If you havereceived a gift card or discountcode, that it can be redeemed;
- You can shop online atRituals safely;
- Yourbrowser settings are saved, sothat you can view our websiteoptimally on your screen;
-You can respond to feedbackinteractions;
- It ispossible to detect misuse of orpotential problems on ourwebsites, apps and services, forexample by registering a numberof consecutive failed loginattempts;
- The way the pageis used on our website is saved,so that you can go back andforth to previously visitedpages;
- The language andcountry is saved, so that you donot have to re-enter languageand country settings;
- Theoption to save your login datacan be provided, so that you donot have to log in again;
-The payment method can be saved,so that we can preselect it foryou the next time;
- That weonly show the Unique SellingPoint bar if it has not beenclicked away by you before;
-We can save the results of aquestionnaire in the GuidedSelling tool, so that we do nothave to request your preferencesagain.

Analytical Category


Analytical cookies collectstatistics related to our users.These statistics enable us tocontinuously improve our appsand websites.

We use these cookies for:

- Tracking how many visitorsvisit our website and app andcomparable statisticalinformation;
- Trackingstatistical information about,for example, our newsletters andvacancies posted online;
-Making analyses, so that we canmake a visit to a website andapp as pleasant as possible forour visitors;
- Theoptimisation of multiple Googleservices such as GoogleAnalytics;
- Theoptimisation of our websites andapps in general.

Marketing Category


We use these cookies to show youpersonalised messages based onyour online behaviour. We makeuse of your online behaviour todo so because we aim to make ourpersonalised messages asrelevant as possible. We mayshow this personalised messagewithin our own website and app,or outside of our platforms. Weuse a number of advertisingplatforms where you mayencounter such a personalisedmessage. You can see details ofthese in the list of cookiespartners below. Finally, we useyour behaviour and profile tofind people who resemble you, sowe can turn them into our fanstoo.

Due to the marketingcookies, we can:
- Generateadvertisements that are relevantto you;
- Prevent you fromseeing the same advertisement(s)all the time;
- Prevent youfrom seeing advertisements forproducts you have justpurchased;
- Track whetheryou interact with theadvertisement(s). By this wemean, for example, watching avideo, clicking on anadvertisement, responding to amessage on Instagram, etc.;
-See if you place an order afteryou've seen or clicked on anadvertisement;
- See ifonline advertisements triggeryou to make a purchase in aRituals store;
- Approachother people who are equivalentto you in terms of behaviour andprofile to visit the Ritualswebsite or app.
- Measurethe performance of our jobmarketing campaigns.
- Ifapplicable, personalize thevacancy overview on our careerwebsite.

Rituals only uses marketingcookies if you have givenpermission for this. From themoment you withdraw yourpermission to use and placemarketing cookies,advertisements can still bedisplayed, but these are randomadvertisements.

Rituals SG | Rituals Singapore (2025)


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Article information

Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5752

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.