The Home Adviser from Vienna, Missouri (2025)

LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The rain Thursday night was a "gully-washer." Uncle Hy. Reinkemeyer spent Sunday at Argyle. Timothy Redel was over at Freeburg Sunday. Mrs.

Turner King has been sick abed for over three weeks. Wm. Volmert left Sunday for a few days visit in the city. Mrs. Jos.

Massmann was reported on the sick list the latter part of the week. Chas. Viesmann and wife visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.

McDonald, Sunday. Thos. Ready, of Eldon, came in the latter part of the week to spend several days among old time friends. Neil A. and Henry Bade arrived Sunday morning to spend an Easter vacation with mamma and sisters.

Mrs. Hy. Schwartze Sr. returned Thursday from a several days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Dulle, of Jefferson City. Mrs. Jennie McDaniel returned Saturday from St. Louis where she spent several months with her son, Cleveland McDaniel. Miss Mary Dahlhoff arrived from St.

Louis Sunday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Dahlhoff and her two sisters, Mesdames Hy. Buschmann and Tim Redel. Clifford Street went "back to the last week. He will till some land for Collector Murphy who has rented a part of Jeff Murphy's farm in the James McKeown Sr.

is on the "complaining" list for some time. We hope the warm Spring weather will soon rejuvenate uncle James who, infirm physicially, enjoys a vigorous mind. Post Master and Mrs. E. M.

King are off since Monday on a week's visit with relatives in Illinois. In the interim Miss Agness Bade is assisting in the post office. At the final count of the votes Monday C. D. Snodgrass won the race of Superintendent of Schools by a majority of 7 votes.

The total votes for the different candidates are as follows: C. D. Snodgrass 400, J. W. Graham 393, C.

N. Cooper 225, M. F. Terrill 223. The storm Thursday night passing along the Terry-Weider neighborhood tore down a strip of timber, partly unroofed the Terry school building and Caspar Bade's barn.

We are told north of Dixon also two buildings were severely damaged. Joseph Buschmann recently purchased 80 acres of Joseph Heimann, The parcel bought is the -east part of the Joseph Heimann place formerly owned by Richard Street. Mr. Buschmann has built a 2-room house on the place and the balance of Joseph's plans we will announce very soon! Arthur Gibson who purchased a tract of 110 acres from Hon. J.

W. Terrill some time ago came over last week from his present home, Summerfield, to arrange for building and improving his new property which is situated just west of the Anthony Laubert and John Ihler places. He will erect a 3- room frame building. Flat Top. MARIES COUNTY LAND OWNERS not only have the only complete abstract of the Maries County deed records, but in addition have a complete index of all the deeds affecting land in Maries County which were recorded in Osage and Gasconade Connties before Maries was organized.

Many land titles which the Maries County records show to be defective can be straightened up by obtaining certified copies of deeds recorded in the above counties and having them recorded here. I have the best equipment for quick and accurate title work and will be glad to figure with you at any time. EVERETT M. KING VIENNA, MO. DE FORD BROTHERS GLASS CO.

-Establised Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo. Our windows can be seen in more than 500 Catholic Churches. We send free of charge designs, suggestions and prices for FIGURE and EMBLEM WINDOWS in the AMERICAN and EUROPEAN STYLES. AUG. F.

STOCKMAN, GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL PLATER. Silverware, Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery and Fancy Articles Replated and Repaired. Church Emblems and Utensils Gold and Silver Plated and Repaired. Refinishing and Rewiring of Gas and Electric Chandeliers. CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD AND SILVER.

CHARLES ST. LOUIS, MO. 70,4 ST. ORDERS OF PUBLICATION (ordinary size) RE ONLY $5.00 IN THIS OFFICE. You may have paid $15 to $25, but that's fault.

Unless the order of your Publication is of extraordinary length we charge ONLY $5.00 letters of Administration and Final Settlement notices are ONLY $2.50. Geo Redel last week sold 20 head of steers to J. M. Birmingham. Mrs.

Hy. Volmert is ailing with a back trouble this week. Jas. O'Brien is sick with the Grippe the past few weeks. Miss Gussie Krone has been employed to teach the Flat Top school the coming season.

Walter Fitzpatrick had a large barn raising Monday. Carpenters Goeller, Schwartze and Volmert will finish up the carpenter work on the structure. Freeburg. Another car load of lumber arrived for the new public school. Dr.

J. G. Tellman, dentist of Belle, is here this week practicing his profession. Farmers are still coming in after corn and hay. Every day there are several loads hauled out.

Tony Willibrand visited home folks at Folk last Sunday. F. J. Loehner has a force of workmen at the construction of the eastern approach of the Maries bridge. Anton Thiem, of Richfountain, purchased a fine new buggy from Poettgen Co.

John Renfert had the misfortune of losing a horse. At the town election last week Tuesday the following were elected to serve as Trustees: J. B. Bax, F. J.

Loehner, B. J. Fechtel, Fr. Dicknite, Geo. Castrop.

Jacob Weidinger is painting his house this week. He was assisted, by merchant Authony Schwartze Tuesday. Mrs. F. H.

Otto and sister, Miss Mary DeLardy, returned to their home in St. Louis yesterday after a visit with relatives here. They were accompanied to Freeburg by the former's mother-in-law, Mrs. John Otto. Father Lyons made us a hurried call yesterday.

On his return home he administered the Last Sacraments to aunt Bridget Fennessy who is thought to be in a critical condition. Mr. Thos. McDonald had Dr. Ferrell place a new casting of plaster of paris on his broken leg Tuesday night.

The limb is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Frank Leasman, who has been employed at Henderson Bros. livery barn for some time, left last week for his home in Dixon. J. R.

Crider killed a rattle snake at "Skiatook" Mondaythat is, we have Mr. Crider's word for it that he did so kill a snake of the description. Mrs. J. B.

Schwaller and little son, of Ettersville, arrived here Saturday evening for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Spratley.

Misses Jessie McKeever and Tillie Wentzel left Sunday for Springfield, where they will enter high sohool. 'They were accompanied by the former's father, blacksmith Wm. McKeever. At Dixon they were joined by Adam Brune and Miss Gertrude Montague. The party was met at the train in Springfield by Misses Bishop (of High Gate) and Viesman (of Brinktown) who have been attending the Springfield Normal during several months past.

Brinktown. Michael Brendel visited Vienna yesterday. Mr. T. J.

Lyons departed for St. Louis Tuesday. Mrs. McKinney and sister, Miss Griffin, are both on the sick list. To morrow morning a postponed Month's Mind will be celebrated for Father Schlathoelter.

Mr. Joseph Wiegers, accompanied by his son, Conrad, of Westphalia, arrived Sunday evening to be present at the wedding of his son, Bernard to Miss Josephine Lischwe. Miss Augusta Bure and sister, Mrs. C. Hiller, were out from Meta for a few days stay with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. Bure. Wiegers-Lischwe. Mr.

Bernard Wiegers, of Muenster Sask, Canada, and Miss Josephine Lischwe, of Brinktown, were united in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony Monday at 8 a. m. followed by a Nuptial High Mass. Rev. P.

Lyons officiated. The witnesses were Mr. Hy. Lischwe, brother of the bride, and Miss Coelestine Winkelmann, niece of the bridegroom. The newly weds left Tuesday morning for their home in Canada.

Family Reunion. The D. Hagerty home was the scene of a family reunion Sunday. Miss Johanna Hagerty has not been in her Maries County home for five years. To celebrate her visit Mr.

and Mrs. D. Hagerty invited relatives- and there are a lot of big spread was prepared and all were made sit down to partake, not once but twice! Such good cheer prevailed that in the end all were of the harmonious opinion that Dave and Mrs. Hagerty know just how to treat in generous fashion a visiting sister. To My Supporters.

The election is over and the official count shows that I'm not the winner. Nevertheless, I wish to thank you for your support and interest manifested in the race. Now, the welfare of our schools is at stake. In order that they be a success, we must all work together. So let us show our colors by supporting the Sup't.

elect. Hoping and expecting to see great improvements in the schools of Maries County, I am Very truly yours, J. W. Graham. Card of Thanks.

I hereby thank the citizens of Maries County who so kindly and willingly assisted me in the race for County Superintendent of Public Schools. Adv. C. D. Snodgrass.

Miscellaneous Locals, Etc. (Advertisements) The St. James Summer Normal opens May 10th and closes with the June Teacher's Examination. All work for certificate offered. For information write John F.

Hodge. FOR SALE--good second-handed buggy. Apply to Wm. McKeever, Vienna, Mo. Fresh batteries-40 cents per pair--Second Story Adviser Building.

Read the Home Adviser-only $1.00 per year,.

The Home Adviser from Vienna, Missouri (2025)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.